Friday, July 13, 2007

Attorney Denver DUI - How To Find The Best Defense

If you were caught drinking and driving in Denver, you will most certainly need to find yourself a Denver DUI attorney. Should you live in the area, this shouldn’t be too difficult, but there are a few things you should keep in mind during your search for a good Denver DUI attorney.

The first place most people look for a Denver DUI attorney is in the Yellow Pages or in an online directory. While this is a great way to see all the names and addresses, it will not give you an accurate idea of how good each lawyer is. You have no idea whether or not he or she has a good reputation or how many cases have been won. And let’s face it, the reason you want a Denver DUI attorney is to get you off the hook, so he had better be good!

So, how do you go about verifying all those attorneys listed? You can go about it one of two ways. The first is to track them manually, call each Denver DUI attorney up and ask for references and case statistics. This can be quite time consuming and of course, they could lie to you. The second method is to find an attorney directory online that gives you more information about each attorney.
Many proper directories actually link to websites for the Denver DUI attorney you are looking for and you can easily access all the information you need to get a good feel for the company. Doing some research ahead of time is vital if you want to find a decent Denver DUI attorney who can help you win your case.

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Austin DWI - How To Handle Your Violation

While you should never drive while intoxicated, in Austin or anywhere else, it also helps to know the rules. What exactly constitutes a Austin DWI violation? That is what we will discuss here. The Austin DWI laws are quite strict and as long as you know what they are, you can avoid a lot of serious problems.

An Austin DWI offense is regulated by the blood alcohol content. When a police officer stops you for suspicious driving, he is permitted to do a blood alcohol test on the driver of the car. This may be either a breath test or a blood test, but it is completely legal under Austin DWI law for the official to request it. If your blood alcohol concentration is over .08, the legal limit, you can be arrested. If you refuse to take the test, you will be assumed guilty, so it is worth doing the breath analysis in case you are actually below the limit.

While the blood alcohol content test is a legal Austin DWI method of testing potentially drunk drivers, police officers usually begin by administering a sobriety test. These are pretty standard all over the country, where you will be asked to touch your nose with alternating fingers, walk in a straight line and stand on one foot. Should you fail this, you will be given the blood alcohol test. If you fail the test, you will be arrested under Austin DWI law and taken in to the police station.

Austin DWI laws are quite specific and you should be very careful to avoid breaking them since you can be held in jail until your court date. Simply appointing a designated driver will solve all these problems on a good night out.

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